недеља, 10. новембар 2013.

Preppy books

As I've already said, a preppy person is not defined by her clothes only, but by her complete style. To be preppy, you need more than a polo shirt by J.Crew and Lacoste sneakers, you need to read a lot and stay informed and educated. This is my list of must-read preppy books:

1. The Official Preppy Handbook(1980)  by Lisa Birnbach-it's our manual, something like preppy Bible, if I can compare it with that. Every prepster must have read this book and have it on his shelf.

2. Great Gatsby by Scot Fitzgerald-I believe it's on every list like this, but it's really a must-read. The story is situated in New York in 30's, the Jazz era. Fitzgerald, through the character of Jay Gatsby, depicts the vision of American dream and its' influence on society. Young Gatsby, with desire to win the heart of beautiful Daisy, still unexperienced and weak, earns lots of money, but at the end, nothing is eternal. He couldn't win Daisy, but he lost himself. Is she worth it?

3. The beautiful and damned by Scot Fitzgerald- Fitzgerald is one of those "preppy'" writers, his novels're about the high society, but at the same time, he also depicts its'faults and mistakes and bad influence on society. "What does one do with oneself when one has nothing to do? "is a main question of this novel. Gloria and Antony got married, but do they have any goal in life, except wasting money and expecting inheritance? 

4. The Cather in the Rye by J.Salinger- The best teen book ever written; the protagonist, Holden, is expelled from school, but he doesn't care at all. Moreover, he's happy, because in that school there were all lairs and cheaters, bad persons who haven't care for anything. The story is focused on Holden's critics against the society he lives in and his desire to run away from everything.
5. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen-one of the most popular British books, depicts the love life of girls at 19th century, love that is stronger than prejudices and social differences, but with a strong moral message at the end-you get awarded for your good deeds and punished for bad ones, I highly recommend it.

6. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Written by a Russian writer in English, the book is one of the most famous and most controversial books ever. In the center of the novel is Hambert, who gets obsessed with 12-year-old Dolores.

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