субота, 9. новембар 2013.

Taylor Swift-country preppy princess

As I've promised, I'm going to write about one preppy person. This week it's Taylor Swift, one of my inspirations, whose clothes never gets out of style, one of the best pop-country singers.


 Ever since she appeared, she's been a beauty and style inspiration for many of us. Her long curly hair, blue eyes and blond hair, sincere smile and her songs were enough to make her a role model.
These are some of Taylor's best outfits:

She knows how to dress to impress.
Big sunglasses and ponytail-classic and simple, while her blouses and jumpers're so preppy, in beautiful colors, like blue, dark red, and black. Cat design is really interesting and unusual, but so powerful. Pearls're making her look classy, while flip flops maintain her girly style-sophisticated, while the bow on the first photo helps her to look preppy, but still vintage.

Sophisticated, even when it rains.
Classic black, oxford shoes, skirt and umbrella-both preppy and romantic.

Dressy and preppy.
Long curly hair, vintage lace dress-very popular last season, and red lipstick-no mistakes.

Spring atmosphere- dark sunglasses, navy blue blouse, red head wrap and preppy sneakers-just for a spring walk.
I like the colors she wears-red, navy blue, white and black-so classy and sophisticated.

Taylor Swift really knows how to look both vintage and preppy, and that's why I like her so much. She mixes these two styles so well, and that's why she deserved to be the first person to blog about.

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